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Strong from the Start: The Signature Initiative of Women United

Updated: Mar 23, 2018

More than a year ago, the Cape and Islands United Way convened a multi-disciplinary group of experts to brainstorm ways to support our youngest children and their families and get “upstream” of the challenges we see in our community. Through their discussions, it became clear that providing our children with skills and supports before they enter school is the key to long-term change.

This brainstorming group, now called the Strong from the Start Advisory Council, has developed a platform to strengthen, coordinate, and integrate the network of services available to young children in our community and to engage, educate and nurture their parents. The first initiative undertaken as part of “Strong from the Start” has been the adoption of Reach Out and Read on the Cape and Islands.

FUNDRAISING for Strong from the Start, VOLUNTEERING for Strong from the Start programs, and ADVOCATING for change to improve early education and care provide the foundation for the work of Women United.


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