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Education: Resources and Databases

Local/State Level Statistics

United States Census Bureau American Fact Finder

Online tool through the U.S. Census where you can search for both local, regional, and statewide information.

Updated yearly

Local Level Information

Data USA

Information on Cape Cod Community College. Has their graduation rate, tuition, and most popular programs. 

Updated yearly

Education Workforce Information & Research

Center for the Study of Child Care Employment

Conducts research and policy solutions to improve early care and education workforce. Support for those in the field of early childhood education and care. 

Continuous updates

Early Childhood Learning: Evidence-Based Programs

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

Compilation of evidence-based practices for early childhood education for specific areas such as early literacy, inclusion, school readiness, and resources specifically for children with disabilities. 

Continuous updates

Out of School Programs: Best Practices

Charleston Promise – Evidence Based Enrichment Programs

Explanation of evidence-based programming and summary of child trends. Guidelines for what works and doesn’t work in children’s out of school programming. 

Published in 2010

Building Social, Emotional, and Language Skills: Evidence Based Resources

CASEL Guide for Pre-K and Elementary Evidence Based Programs

Framework for evaluating the quality of social and emotional programs and applies this framework to identify and rate well designed, evidenced based SEL Programs with potential for expansion.

Published in 2013

Local Level Statistics

Massachusetts Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education - Data & Accounatbility

Information on graduation rates and achievement levels

Updated yearly

Statistics and Information

National Center for Education Statistics

Primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the United States. Also conduct and publish reports on reading, mathematics, and science.  

Continuous updates

Early Childhood Learning: Evidence-Based Programs

Seven Research-Based Ways Families Promote Early Literacy by the Global Family Research Project

Program descriptions and outlines for early childhood learning with even more links to resources families/teachers can use.

Published in 2017

Out of School Programs: Evidence-Based Practices

Expanding Learning

Paper: "Afterschool Programs That Follow Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Social and Emotional Development are Effective" 

One-time publication

Building Social, Emotional, and Language Skills: Evidence Based Resources

CASEL Guide - Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs – Middle and High School Edition

Framework for evaluating the quality of social and emotional programs and applies this framework to identify and rate well designed, evidenced based SEL Programs with potential for expansion.

Published in 2015

Increasing Access to High-Quality Childcare

Early Education for All

Organizations that works to ensure that children in Massachusetts have access to high-quality early education and become proficient readers by the end of third grade. 

Continuous updates

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